Bitty's Top 5 Traveling Tips
Hello Bitty Beauties! I have been super busy the past few weeks with work, and I just came back from a long weekend down in New Orleans, Louisiana. So please forgive my absence, as I am still recovering. The days leading up to my trip, I was trying to prepare for packing, and noticed I learned a few things and want to share my little tips for those of you who may be traveling.
Whether you are driving, flying, or going on a boat, the tips below will surely help you stay beautiful during your trip and is very low-maintenance.
Bitty Tip 1
If you are flying, try not to over pack. It can cost you extra charges, and airlines have weight limitations on carry on items as well as the 1 bag you can check in. Instead, pack an outfit for how ever long your stay is. But try to mix and match. You can wear jeans more than once, just change up the shirt. Or a black skirt can go with any color blouse if you're going somewhere fancy. If you are staying for quite some time, I suggest to try to ship your clothes if possible. It can save you money from the airline fees. If you are driving, you have more flexibility. You can slightly over pack, I know I do...I plan for the I pack extra underwear, bras, and socks. If you have room in the car, you have wiggle room depending on how many items are in the trunk or back seat. There are videos out there on Youtube on giving suggestions on how to pack, some save space by rolling up their clothes, etc. You can check those out. My personal experience, it never works out for me. I can get it in there, but I always can't get it back in because I put my dirty clothes in a separate bag, and/or I end up buying souvenirs and trinkets.
Bitty Tip 2
When packing beauty supplies (makeup, toiletries, etc), try to invest in travel items from your local drugstore, Walmart, or Target. I purchase a few of the shampoos and conditioners, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc. They're easy to travel with, and you can toss them when you are done. It will make room in your suitcase. As far as packing makeup, depending on the situation you are traveling for, I usually try to keep things simple. I pack a foundation, face powder, primer (you can use for your face and eyelids), a neutral lipstick, a bold lipstick, and a eye palette that is versatile. I personally choose a neutral eyeshadow palette like Lorac Pro, or Naked3. Better yet, invest in some eyeshadow sticks. Believe it or not, the shadows are very versatile. You can use it for a day out in the town, and easily transition to the slightly darker shadows to create a smokey eye effect for an evening out in town. I like Mally's eyeshadow sticks. I use them for a shadow, and you can use it to line under your waterline to add a more dramatic effect. If you are going to a friend's wedding, they may have a makeup artist already scheduled to give makeovers for the wedding. You can also share with a friend..but I don't recommend sharing anything that would touch a moist part of the lipstick or may catch pink eye or something worse.
Bitty Tip 3
Invest in some good travel makeup brushes and take them with you. I had to learn this the hard way. I went to New Orleans, Louisiana and had to pack full sized makeup brushes. It was very annoying as they weren't in a case, and got product on my make up case. You can purchase travel makeup brushes anywhere..Ulta, Sephora, Target, Walmart, or any local drugstore. They don't have to be high-end makeup brushes..they are for traveling. You may also want to pick up some makeup brush remover, or you can use soap or shampoo. Just make sure you clean them off and let them dry to avoid bacteria.
Bitty Tip 4
No matter the weather and location of your travel destination, make sure you pack a facial moisturizer with sunscreen. This is vital to your skin. You want to make sure you protect it from the Sun's UV rays..which are present at all times no matter how hot or cold it is outside. Make sure you hydrate and drink water.
Take some gel coolers you can fit into your purse. If you are traveling on a long flight, for example..if you are traveling internationally, you should try to wear minimal make up..none preferred. If you must wear makeup, try to wash your face once you get on the plane. Especially if you are traveling internationally..where you tend to sleep.
When you are at a higher altitude, your skin will start to lose moisture. Make sure to take a few mins and wash your face in the bathroom. Put on some moisturizer, and your eye gel de-puffers. I love Glam Glow's Thirsty Mud Mask. Drink lots of water on the flight. This will help you look hydrated and refreshed once you land. If you are on a long flight, try to avoid foods high in salt.
Bitty Tip 5
With all the craziness and health scares in these modern times, I will always suggest to bring hand sanitizers with you if possible. You can use hand sanitizer wipes. Not saying be a "clean freak" but they are very helpful. You can use the wipes to wipe down your seating area, and any hard surfaces you may come across. Make sure to wash your hands frequently and bring some small travel lotion if possible to moisturize your hands. You don't want your hands so dry that the skin gets small microscopic tears from all the harsh chemicals some wipes may contain. Always pack some disposable face masks. You can purchase some from your local drugstore. They are only a few bucks for a whole box. You can pack a few, and I suggest putting it on once you get on the plane. There is no telling who is sick with a cold, flu, or worse.
Have fun on your trip and be safe. Just be aware of your surroundings and try to plan ahead and for the worst. Pack enough for your stay. Remember, you can usually find a nearby store to purchase an item if you forgot something or need extra items.
On a different subject, I mentioned earlier that I spent a long weekend in New Orleans, LA. I was celebrating my birthday, yes..I'm a Libra. I had so much fun. I wanted to give a shout out to the Marriot on Convention Center, they have excellent service and great rates. It was about a 7 hour drive from Atlanta, GA where I reside and it went by pretty fast. I must recommend to anyone who may go out there, to take the French Quarter Tour with the Cemetery Tour, and the evening Ghost Tour of the French Quarter. Don't worry, you are on the streets, and don't really go into the buildings. My BFF and I took so many pictures. Great food, and great music..and the drinks were fantastic. If you are looking for a good jazz bar, check out the B.M.C. jazz bar. Anyway, I had a great time, and thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. Click the link to view pictures of my weekend.
I'm working on getting a new computer, but once I do that..I'll be working on putting some videos up. My other computer crashed :( Feel free to comment or leave any travel tips that work for you! Until next time..
Help Prevent the Spread of Illness
Hello Bitty Luvs! Due to the most recent events of Ebola and the Enterovirus D68, I thought I would put out some information to help others out. This holds a special place in my heart because I come from a medical background, and I work at the Centers for Disease Control as my full-time job when I am not blogging. I'm not going to repeat information that you can learn on your own, I'm sure you all have heard about it on the news, and have access to a computer or smartphone since you are reading this blog. Ahhh, the power of the Internet and technology.
So a few tips in preventing the spread of illness that you may not be aware of. The days have passed since I actually "liked" getting sick..the days when I was a child, and wanted to have an excuse to stay home and sleep all day. But let's face it, once you become old enough, you don't want to get sick because it is annoying, and frankly, does not feel good and in some cases, can be very dangerous if you have medical conditions.
These tips below may help you if you are traveling and even if you were not, it will help you from getting sick (I hope).
What is a "Respiratory Illness"?
Respiratory illness affects a person's ability to breath, affecting organs as your lungs, and sinuses. Illnesses like the common cold, or the flu are spread from one person to another through droplets of bodily fluids from the mucus membranes become airborne. For example, when you sneeze or cough, the tiny droplets become airborne and get into the mouth or nose of people who are within close proximity. Bacterial germs can live on the surfaces nearby, for example, a desk, doorknobs, etc. They usually can live on the hard surfaces for about 2 hours or longer. If a non-infected person touches the surface and touches his or her mouth, nose, eyes, the person can be infected. Basically, any moist membrane on your body.
You can stop a Respiratory Illness by taking simple steps. DO NOT cough or sneeze into your hands. We learn this in elementary school. If you have to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth using your arm, or a tissue. If using a tissue, throw it away immediately into a trash receptacle.
WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN, use hand sanitizer, wash it before you eat, after you go to the bathroom, after you sneeze or cough. DO NOT SHARE FOODS or DRINKS.
If you are infected with a respiratory illness, make sure to go to the doctor. You do not want to let it get to the point where you neglect it so much and cause yourself to not get enough oxygen, especially if you have a history of asthma. There are treatments the physician can give you, steroids to help your lungs get stronger. A nebulizer machine with treatments, a inhaler, etc.
What is a "Foodborne Illnesses"
Foodborne illnesses stem from eating contaminated food. It may be undercooked, or is contaminated with a virus or some kind of bacteria, or worst...contain a parasite. Have you ever watched the show "Monster Inside Me" on the Animal Planet? If you haven't, I suggest that you watch it if you want to learn about parasites and the destruction they can cause within one's body.
Practice good food safety by ensuring that you consume foods that are fully cooked, and served at the proper temperature. I am very cautious, and I always order any meats well done, and stay away from raw meats/fish. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE sushi. But I do not consume any raw fish. It's my personal preference, but I have been a witness to what happens to a person's body who had obtained a parasite. It's not a pretty picture. Trust me, you DO NOT want a parasite coming out of any openings on your body.
Wash all fruits and vegetables. You never know what kind of bacteria is on an exterior of a fruit or vegetable. Washing fruits and vegetables can remove any fertilizer, or any chemicals that may be on the surface. Plus, you don't know who had touched the fruit or vegetable before you. No matter if you are at a farmer's market, local grocery store, or picking it from a farm. Wash it!
Drink dairy products or juices that have been pasteurized, drink beverages that have been bottled with a seal. If the seal is broken, don't drink it.
If you do contract a foodborne illness and you soil yourself, whether it is from vomiting, or having a bathroom "accident", make sure you wash yourself off, and wash your clothing, etc. Clean up after yourself, throw away any vomit, disinfect the surface, and wash your hands with soap and water.
Avoid Touching Your Face
Have you ever watched the movie Contagion? In a part of the movie, it talks about how people do not realize how often they touch their face in a day. Bottom line, touching your face is gross. Bacteria and viruses are easily spread by being transferred from your finger tips onto your skin. It can cause acne and develop contact dermatitis and herpes simplex. For example, if you have herpes on your lips (cold sore), or herpes from your genitals and touch or rub your eye, the bacteria can transfer and cause you to get herpes in your eye. Remember, bacteria thrives in moist places. If you already are acne prone, touching your face all the time can trigger more acne to develop.
Sit back and think of all the items you touch in a single day. You touch door handles, public restrooms, escalators, elevator buttons, workplace fridge, vending machines, money, and more. Now think of who else may have touched those same surfaces before you..and after you. Someone could have had their finger in their nose, touched that same area, and you touched you're touching your face. GROSS. Let's face it, not everyone in the world has the same hygiene practices. A bottle of hand sanitizer is about $0.99 cents at Walmart. You can also purchase a travel Lysol spray. Or purchase a medical face mask at your local store. If you are ill, stay away from school or the workplace. Take vitamins, and any prescribed medicines.
I'm not saying be a germaphobe, but just be aware. Wash your hands often with soap and water. Make better judgements. We all need to have heightened awareness, especially during these times. Life is getting crazy with all the diseases, viruses, etc. Take precaution and be safe. I hope this helps some people out and to shed some light and get your minds thinking. I would love to hear any practices that you may do to help spread illness in your daily activities. Leave any comments below or if you have questions.